Your Name
Your Company
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Your Address
Representing (Name of Company)
Type of Commodity
Number of vessels/barges in this operation
Cargo volume (weight, number of units, dimensions, etc
How is this commodity unitized (bulk, bags, bundles, palletized, containerized, etc)
Inbound by truck to the First Place of Rest?
Inbound by rail to the First Place of Rest
Outbound by vessel from First Place of Rest?
Outbound by barge from the First Place of Rest?
Import or transload cargo outbound by truck?
Import or transload cargo outbound by rail?
Will storage be required (indicate number of days)?
Is the cargo weather sensitive (inside storage required)?
When would this operation commence?
Are inventory services required (multiple lots, reports, etc)?
If you are not a stevedoring company, have you identified a stevedore to work with?
If you are not a vessel agent, have you identified a vessel agent to work with?
If applicable, has a vessel been identified? Please provide vessel details.
Are packing lists, diagrams, stow plans, MSDSs or photos of this cargo available?
Is there any other information about this operation that you would like to provide?